Lizbeth Elliott

Lizbeth Elliott photo Chris Bain
Photo: Chris Bain

Lizzie is a much-loved bassoonist. As well as being principal bassoon with English Touring Opera, she has had a long and successful career as a freelance player in many orchestras and chamber ensembles throughout the U.K.

She is a regular guest player with the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and the Philharmonia Orchestra. She also plays with the English Chamber Orchestra and a number of chamber music ensembles. She is also an enthusiastic teacher.

In 2005 she contracted cancer and had major operations and chemo therapy and went into remission. In 2011 she discovered the cancer has returned. She has been advised that a new treatment is available in the U.S.A. which may be her only hope of beating this disease.

In order to have this treatment Lizzie needs to find £6,000 which is almost impossible to find for a busy mother of 2 small children.

Her friends and colleagues have therefore got together to put on a concert to try to raise money for this treatment. All the performers and organisers are personal friends of Lizzie and are donating their time and services to put on this concert. St.Paul's Church have also very kindly given their space for this event.

If you wish to help Lizzie please come to the concert but if you are unable to come you can make a private donation.